TPFA Constitution & Bylaws
TPFA Constitution
Article I
Names and Offices
The name of this organization shall be “The Texas Professional Farrier’s Association”. An office shall be maintained in the location determined by the Executive Committee.
Article II
The purpose of the Texas Professional Farrier’s Association is:
To organize farriers and other interested parties for the promotion of interest in the art of Farriery.
To inform the public, and particularly the horse owner, of the quality and standard of service to which he is entitled, as defined in the standards of conduct of the Farrier, which is part of the By-Laws.
To assist those who want to enter the farrier trade.
To provide a forum to formulate and express policies for the association
To cooperate with other related associations, groups, councils, boards, or interest of the equine industry.
Article III
Membership and Vote
The membership of the association shall consist of 4 categories: 1) Regular, 2) Associate, 3) Life, 4) Honorary
Regular Members will be farriers who shall pay dues as specified in the By-Laws. They shall have office holding privileges and are entitled to vote.
Associate Members shall be individuals who are interested in the art of science of farriery and the activities of the Association. Out of state farriers and students (within 1 year of graduation) may be a part of this group. They shall pay dues as set forth in the By-Laws and will not have voting or office holding privileges.
Life Members shall be those members who choose to pay a onetime “Life membership fee as specified in the By-Laws. They will have office holding and voting privileges.
Honorary Members shall be these individuals or groups who have exhibited extraordinary service to farriery or this association, and are chosen by the association. This may be given on a 1 year or life basis. They are not subject to dues nor do they have office holding or voting privileges.
Article IV
Dues shall be payable to the Treasurer of the association as specified by the By-Laws. The Treasurer is authorized to accept any donation, gift, or bequest of any individual or organization on behalf of the association. All funds shall be handled as specified in the By-Laws.
Article V
The officers of the association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. All officers shall serve until a successor had been duly elected. Duties of all officers shall be prescribed in the By-Laws.
The President shall be elected to a 2 year term on each odd numbered year, no later than June 30th of that year.
The Vice-President shall be elected to a 2 year term on each even numbered year, no later than June 30th of that year.
The Treasurer shall be elected to a 2 year term on each even numbered year, no later than June 30th of that year.
The Secretary shall be elected to a 2 year term on each odd numbered year, no later than June 30th of that year.
All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of regular present or represented by proxy at the annual meeting Officers shall assume duties immediately upon election. In an officer of the association resigns his/her position the Executive Committee will appoint an officer to fill that position for the remainder of that term.
A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the Executive Committee.
Article VI
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of all officers of the association. It shall have the authority to manage the affairs of the association, subject to the Constitution and By-Laws, and shall have control over matters not otherwise provided for. The President and a simple majority of its members shall be present to constitute a quorum. In the event of a tie vote, the issue shall be referred to the general membership for resolution.
Article VII
Regular Meetings of the association shall be held no less than 4 times a year. Special meetings may be called under the provisions of the By-Laws.
A quorum, consisting of at least 10 members must be present, either by actual presence or by proxy, in order to conduct business. If a quorum is not present reports only may be given but no action may be taken and a majority of the members may adjourn the meeting without further notice.
Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with “Roberts Rules of Order”.
Balloting in absentee or by proxy will be prescribed by the By-Laws.
Concurrence of a simple majority of the voting members at a duly constituted meeting shall be required to carry any issue other than an amendment to this Constitution and By-Laws.
Article VIII
The Constitution may be amended in the following manner:
The amendment shall be proposed and discussed at a regular meeting, but no vote shall be taken at that time.
The secretary shall then publish the proposed amendment in a special notification to the membership and indicate that the proposed amendment shall be voted on at the next meeting, naming the time and place of the meeting.
After discussion of the proposed amendment at this second meeting, it shall be voted upon which requires 2/3 vote to carry the issue.
The By-Laws may be amended by the concurrence of 2/3 of the regular members present or represented by proxy or absentee ballots as provided for in the By-Laws at a regular or special meeting of the Texas Professional Farriers Association.
Texas Professional Farriers Association
Section I
All members shall pay annual dues to the association through the remittance to the Treasurer as prescribed in the By-Laws.
Dues shall be payable in advance for any year, beginning January 1st and will apply for that calendar year. New members shall pay for the entire year unless they join after October 1st, in this case they will apply to the following year.
When any member shall be in default of payment for a period exceeding 30 calendar days from which dues become payable, membership in the association shall automatically cease.
Rates of dues shall be set by a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee and may be changed, in like manner, when deemed necessary.
Current dues are:
Regular Member – $75.00
Associate Member – $30.00
Life Member – $1,000*
Honorary Member – May be given anytime by a 2/3 majority vote of its voting members.
Section II
The elected officers are responsible for maintaining a balanced budget within the resources of the Association.
Dispersal of funds shall be approved by the President and/or majority vote of the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer is authorized to establish and maintain a petty cash fund of an amount set by the Executive Committee.
Record of funds of this Association shall be kept by the Treasurer. A statement of the financial condition of the Association shall be present at each regular meeting and accounts will be audited annually or as specified by the Executive Committee.
Section III
Duties of Officers
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to attend all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President or his/her inability to serve, the Vice-President shall assume the duties as described above.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and to keep a written record of the proceedings thereof. Upon notice of the President, the Secretary shall notify all members at least 10 days before the time of special meetings. Such notification shall contain the time, date, place, and purpose of the meeting.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to attend all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee and to make collections, disbursements, and maintain records provided by the Constitution and By-Laws and the direction of the Executive Committee.
Section IV
The Associations President may call a special general membership meeting as he/she deems necessary at any time. The Secretary shall issue such a call by notification of its members by regular mail at least 10 days in advance of such meeting. The notification will specify the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
The Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the President as he/she deems necessary to conduct the business of the Association.
Section V
All voting members are entitled to one vote each. Such votes may be exercised at regular and special meetings, the manner being by physical or by proxy or absentee ballot.
Proxy votes are valid only if accompanied by a dated and signed document and given to his/her representative before the meeting.
Absentee ballots may be used to record a vote on specific issues under discussion.
Section VI
All officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote from a state of candidates which shall be nominated by a member in good standing for that position.
All Candidates for the office of President must be a member in good standing for at least 2 years, and have served on at least one committee. All other nominee for office must have served on at least 1 committee and be a member in good standing of the TPFA.
Section VII
Standards for Conduct
The honor and dignity of the farrier profession lies in the acceptance of and adherence to a reasonable code of ethics set forth as a guide for practitioners of the art. The purpose of this code is far reaching because exemplary professional conduct not only enhances honor, dignity, and integrity, but enlarges the sphere of usefulness to society and promotes the art and science of the farrier.
This code is the foundation of the individual farrier efforts and the success of the Texas Professional Farriers Association.
The principle objective of the farrier and his/her skill is to render service to society and promote the general health and welfare of others.
Once a professional farrier has undertaken care of an animal/ he/she must not neglect that animal and will render his/her service to the best of their ability. They should not hesitate to consult with others who are more skilled or particularly competent, or to recommend consultation with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
The Farrier shall render services in the matter of illness, disease, or injured horses only in the capacity of technician to the veterinarian.
The Farrier should not employ his/her professional knowledge or skill nor dispose of their services in such a way to compromise the free exercise of their judgment, skill, or integrity, which will cause the deterioration of the quality of service rendered or the profession they portray.
The Farrier should work continuously to improve the knowledge and skill of his/her art, making available to his/her colleagues the benefit of his/her personal attainments and seeking through consultation the assistance of others when it appears the quality of public service may be bettered thereby.
The farrier profession should safe guard the public and itself against practitioners deficient in moral character or professional competence. Farriers should observe and respect all civil laws, uphold the honor and dignity of the profession by practicing their craft honestly, faithfully, punctually and competently and accept these self-imposed disciplines.
The responsibility of the farrier profession extends not only to the animal being handled, but to the horse owner and horse lover as well. The enjoyment of the public, as well as the well-being of the animals themselves, deserves the farrier’s interest and participation in all allied non-professional activities and organizations which promote all aspects of the horse industry.